The latest edition of the Indian restaurant, Salt, at Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore, approached us as we had executed their earlier franchise at UB City. Boasting of indoor and outdoor eating spaces, with a magnificent mango tree in the courtyard, the restaurant retains its trademark cheerful colours amidst a contemporary setting.
A bright yellow metal door opens into the patio that is laid terrazzo-style with granite cut pieces creating a natural focal point for the outdoor seating. This central space is bordered by a slightly raised platform in grey Sadarahalli stone that serves to accentuate the mosaic pattern of the granite stones. Cement concrete walls enclose the space; the seating is in matching cement IPS with upholstery in vibrant sunshine hues. The courtyard is covered with a glass roof that imparts an outdoorsy vibe while protecting it from the elements.
Since the brief was to use as many natural materials as possible, the bar is clad in wooden fluted panels topped off with a sleek countertop in black quartz. For subtle variation in materials and textures, we constructed the bottle display rack suspended over the bar counter in metal and rubber wood, dotted with square chalkboard panels to mention the cocktails/ specials of the day.
A wooden screen with panels of fluted glass separates the outdoors from the indoors. Here, terracotta flooring with Athangudi tile inserts takes centre stage. Grey mirror panels defined by metal profiling clad the wall at the far end of the room while visually enhancing the space. Green fluted panelling serves as a nice contrast to the bright yellow leather sofas, while the glass and wooden screens are a repetitive motif throughout the restaurant. The multi-level buffet section is characterized by elegant wallpaper; the buffet itself echoes the outside bar with its fluted wood façade and quartz countertop.
Bangalore, Karnataka
Year of completion
Melange Interiors Pvt Ltd.
​Built-up area
4,000 square feet​